Did you know that 576,000 new websites are created every day? With so many web development frameworks to choose from, you want to pick the platform that will save you time and money. You want a framework that will continue to be maintained in the future while also fitting the goals of your project. If you’re learning a framework while job searching, you want a framework that’s in high demand, so you have the best chance of finding someone who needs your skills.

We crave interactivity, which means there will always be a need for application developers and web development frameworks. The proper web application framework allows you to build web apps more efficiently, and that’s the name of the development game. With competition being higher than ever for new web apps, choosing the proper application framework is essential to your success. This guide will introduce you to the best web development frameworks and talk about how each one works, so you can select the one that is perfect for your project.


JavaScript-based client-side web application frameworks are increasingly popular, and React is currently dominating the market. It differs from other JavaScript frameworks by advocating one-way data binding. It is arguable the leading client-based framework and boasts the following features:

  • Flexibility: React can develop software for any user interface from laptops to smart TVs.
  • Popularity: Its features have been tested by Facebook users, continuously making it extremely popular.


Django is a Python-based web application full-stack framework that can be used on either the front-end or back-end of development. It features:

  • Simplicity: Django is relatively easy to work with, especially if you are using Python.
  • Safety: Django has various security protection features, so it’s secure enough to create anything from simple applications to complex websites.


Express is a free, open-source, JavaScript-based web development framework that, while limited, allows fast full-stack development. Its best features include:

  • Information: Express is well documented, and most questions about its capabilities have been answered.
  • Speed: Express is optimized to be a rapid application framework.
  • Popularity: It has a strong community that loves this framework.


Developed by Evan You, a former Google engineer, this framework takes the positives from both Angular and React. This JavaScript-based web development framework includes the following features:

  • Popularity: Not only is it a developer community favorite, but it is also prevalent in China and has a massive following there.
  • Ease of use: It is well optimized and has become one of the most used progressive web app frameworks.

Ruby on Rails (RoR)

RoR is a server-side web development framework using the Ruby programming languages. Its features include:

  • Procedural: It mitigates the complexities of many development frameworks by having procedures that cover eventualities.
  • Fast: By using scaffolding, a simplified database, and migrations, RoR inspires rapid application development.


Laravel is one of the most popular frameworks for PHP developers. It is highly secure and provides the JavaScript library of ORM. It features:

  • Ease of use: Laravel is well optimized and only has a slight learning curve.
  • Saves time: It features automated testing, leading to faster development times.


Google created this end-to-end, client-side web framework that is more traditional than other frameworks. Its use of TypeScript as its language made that language popular. It features:

  • Stability: Angular has changed very little in five years.
  • Security: With DOM sanitation, it is highly safe to use for any type of development.


CodeIgniter is a smaller PHP development framework but has become increasingly popular in the last few years. It includes:

  • A large toolkit: CodeIgniter features a variety of tools that makes for faster development.
  • Comprehensive documentation: It has extensive and well-written documentation.


Spring is an inversion of control, server-side web framework with Java-based application development. It is:

  • Part of a whole: Spring is part of a larger framework that supports cloud development.
  • Large scale: Spring is made for large-scale development and has everything you need to do this type of work.


This web development framework was created by Microsoft and is both open-source and modular. It offers:

  • Flexibility: It can run on multiple platforms, including Windows and Linux.
  • Large scale: Like Spring, it is made for large-scale development and outperforms most other frameworks in that area.


There are a variety of web development frameworks on the market, and each one has its own advantages and disadvantages. A web application developer can help you chose the right framework for your project and lead you to success.

At Webhead, our team of expert developers can help you choose the right framework for your development project by focusing on your business requirements and goals. Contact us today and we will assist you through the entire development process.

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